Course Overview
The Orientation Course provides general information about Montessori Education with a more detailed overview of the child from 0-3 years of age. The course provides a solid foundation to those working in either a Montessori Nido environment or a Young Children’s Community. It is also well suited to administrator’s, guides at other levels, or anyone wishing to know more about the child under 3 years of age.
Online Format
The course will be delivered 100% in an online format. The course will consist of online lecture, discussion, 9 hours of observation and 8 hours of independent work.
Dates: New Dates Coming Soon
Online synchronous sessions (hours to include both online lecture and some independent work)
- Week One: TBA
- Week Two: TBA
- Week Three: TBA
- Week Four: TBA
- Week Five: TBA
Technical Requirements
- Material and course work, as well as course communication, will be delivered using Google Classroom
- The course requires access to the internet, a general ability to use computers and a willingness to use and learn Zoom and Google Classroom platforms
Course Work
The course will consist of lecture presentations, readings, discussions and various activities. In order to obtain the AMI Orientation Certificate, participants are required to maintain 90% attendance, complete independent online learning, complete nine hours of observation and submit some written work.

The course fee is $910.00 Canadian

Course Lecture Topics to Include
- Maria Montessori’s Life and Work
- Overview of the Planes of Development
- The Importance of Observation
- The Child’s Mind
- Sensitive Periods
- The Importance of Order
- The Prepared Environment
- Development of Movement
- Language Materials
- Food as an Educational Tool
- Toileting
- Freedom and Limits
- The Role of the Adult