Why AMI?

Authentic and Complete Training

  • AMI Courses are designed to ensure that graduates have all the information necessary to be successful and empowered Montessori educators.

What is AMI?

In 1929, Dr. Maria Montessori, along with her son Mario Montessori, founded the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI).

Dr. Montessori created the AMI as a safeguard to her work. To this day, the AMI is the only pedagogical authority entrusted with ensuring Dr. Montessori’s educational guidelines and standards are upheld.

The AMI directs and supervises its 60+ training centres throughout the world. The AMI Headquarters is located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. All AMI diplomas are issued from the AMI Headquarters.

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5 Reasons an AMI Montessori Diploma is Important

AMI was founded by Dr. Maria Montessori herself

  • The Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) is the only Montessori teacher training organization to issue a diploma bearing Dr. Montessori’s signature
  • The AMI diploma is issued to its graduates from the AMI head office in Amsterdam

AMI is a Guarantee of Quality

  • AMI courses worldwide follow the guidelines set down by Dr. Montessori
  • The AMI has a Scientific Pedagogical Committee that gathers information regarding children from all corners of the world
  • The AMI courses are examined on an annual basis to ensure that the quality of instruction and the Montessori philosophy are upheld

The Value and Opportunity of an AMI Diploma

  • AMI diploma courses are recognized worldwide for their excellence and authenticity
  • There are abundant career prospects for AMI-trained graduates. They are in demand across the world as this credential is sought after by Montessori schools and parents globally
  • FME graduates are highly regarded as experts in their field and are sought after by both national and international employers

Authentic and Complete Training

  • The AMI Primary course at FME is conducted over a nine month period on a full-time basis ensuring that graduates have all the information necessary to be a successful and empowered Montessori educator

Knowledgeable Trainers

  •  AMI trainers have extensive teaching experience and academic backgrounds
  • The trainers at FME were trained by Renilde Montessori, Dr. Montessori’s granddaughter, giving them a unique, in-depth knowledge and understanding of Montessori principles and practices

All Are Welcome

The decision to pursue Montessori education is an important one. We hope to provide prospective students with the necessary information to make an informed decision that aligns with their beliefs and values.

If you believe an AMI diploma is the best choice for you, we would be honoured to meet you on your journey to becoming an AMI Montessori teacher.

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